Exercise 1

This exercise is designed to provide you with an understanding of light, framing and frame rate as basic compositional elements in all moving image and time-based work.

Students will work in pairs (team of 3 maybe permitted with instructor approval - will need to make 2 different videos)

What you will do

  1. Select a location with a natural light source. The location can be exterior or interior
  2. Within the frame of your camera, find a visually interesting composition at your location and secure with the tripod
  3. Shoot 1 still image every 15 sec for 30 minutes, so that you end up with 120 individual images
  4. Create a new project in and import your images - see Getting Set Up
  5. Place your images in the timeline, experimenting with various frame rates
  6. Students may choose to re-shoot and further experiment after reviewing the results; if you do more than one experiment, separate each by one second of black or make separate videos
  7. Export your work using Media Encoder (covered in class)
  8. Upload to your Process Folder
  9. Include a brief (150 -200 words) write-up about your process, design decisions, technical considerations and what you learned. Bonus for discussing how this exercise changes or may influence your future designs.


Submit a pdf that includes a link to your video (Google Drive) and write up to eClass

You will also update your Process Folder with this exercise

Due before next class Friday September 13 for in class screening